Tuesday, September 8, 2009


It is the manifestation of the civilized lifestyle of human beings. There is an irony to my understanding of the present day society. This symbol of advancement of human life is its own hindrance. If society fulfills some purpose, it hinders some.
Maybe society hasn’t evolved fast enough to keep pace with the common man.
It comes across as a caged set of ideas and views with very opaque walls. With all the changes it may have gone through the Indian society has been unreceptive to foreign ideas. Alternatively, let us put it this way, the caretakers of the society have been rigid in accepting any new ideas (even logical reasoning). Whereas there is little doubt that they have done so to not lose their power, this aspect is not what I wish to dwell on here. When we talk of society as a term, it should be seen as a finite term with definite limits. These limits are a symbol of myopia in our religious leaders.
There may be transitions in a society but it is characterised by a war-like situation. The caged walls always block creativity and learning, for, we forget everything but what we follow. The individuality in a person is liable to be devoured as a result of the selfishness of the fanatic religious barons. The fact that social values are an amalgamation of individual values is what the bishops forget, more often than not. If ever society had a purpose, it must have been to help humankind to progress, to ensure that what was once established (on some scientific/ practical basis) would help the future generations in their quest for truth. What it has instead done is to ensure that what has once been accepted is never to be debated again. Fortunately, scientific laws are open to any kind of debate, which is why one feels that truth lies in science. Unfortunately though science has been unable to fathom the depth of religious beliefs on important issues like the origin of the universe.
The greatest thing that society has done is that it has given humankind a medium of conversation. It has brought us in one grid. The other good thing it has done is to have helped keep humanity intact by serving the biological purpose of life through an instrument called marriage and in this regard, the Indian society has been very generous.