Friday, September 4, 2009


The thought of writing on freedom was actually the result of where I led myself to, while writing on offspring. The definition of freedom is extremely flexible and it is more often than not, twisted in order to serve personal interests. By itself, it is a term that may be seen as highly subjective.
One must realize that it is a term that owes its birth to the society and as such, it has to be viewed in that perspective. Freedom would mean personal freedom of thought and action. So far as the freedom of thought is concerned there may be negligible possibility of anyone curtailing these, but with regard to freedom of action some social hindrances are bound to emerge. Society itself is a finite term with set limits so when we talk of freedom of action (or expression) it has to have certain limits. Ideally, the limits should read something like ‘one person exercising his/her freedom should not cross into that of another’.

There is some ambiguity though in this also and that I guess is how nature has it for most aspects. We realize that as humans, we are civilized and social but the fact remains that man is a SOCIAL ANIMAL. Even though I firmly believe that one should be more social and less animal in instincts, beliefs and actions, I maintain that there will be a point where the social aspect and animal aspect clash. So, although one man sacrificing his life to save that of another is a deed always respected the one in which a man kills another to save his own cannot be protested against by any scientific reasoning. In any case, even when two plants grow too close at some point of time one starts to obstruct the growth of the other and finally the stronger survives. The bishops may argue that being the enlightened species of life we should do better than that but the fact is that is how nature is. For the same reason I maintain that human life has always been a competition of survival of the fittest. It shall remain so till the great deluge.

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